Price Information Leeuwerik and Koekoek

Information "Leeuwerik" and "Koekoek"
-arriving time is 15.00u
-leaving time at 10.30u on Monday or Friday,  an other day is in concert.
-free WiFi
-the final cleaning is € 50 
-kitchenlinnen is supplied, please wash it when used
-cleaning soaps, salt and some dried herbs are supplied
-the rental is confirmed when 30% of the price is payed
-tax € 2.00 p.p.p.n.
-smoking and pets are not allowed in the house
-for students and groups of young people it is not possible to rent these houses
-when  arrived you can get the key at the administrator
 prijzen 2021
Maanden Weekend Midweek Week
januari t/m maart €330 €330 €450
april €395 €375 €490
mei en juni €490 €425 €595
Week 27,28,29,30 €650 €600 €750
Week 31,32,33 €700 €650 €825
Week 34, 35 €650 €600 €750
September €490 €425 €595
Oktober €400 €375 €490
November en december €330 €330 €450
Krokusvakantie 375 350 €490
Paasweekend 490   €590
Hemelvaart, Pinksterweekend ,Meivakantie €650   €750
Herfstvakantie €525 €450 €650
Kerst en jaarwisseling €650   €790
The final cleaning is € 50 including bed linen
Inlichtingen Familie Finnema  0633101122
Inlichtingen  Familie Finnema  058 2551247

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